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Found 59614 results for any of the keywords flintridge dental studio. Time 0.011 seconds.
La Cañada Dentist | Flintridge Dental Studio | Delta Dental ProviderLooking for a dentist in La Cañada Flintridge, CA? Look no further. Dr. Derhartounian offers comfortable general and cosmetic dental services.
Crowns Bridges - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CAWant to improve your smile? Need to replace some missing teeth? Call our Flintridge Dental Studio office at (818) 814-9732 for a consultation with the doctor
Dentures - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CAThe staff at Flintridge Dental Studio has expertise with a dental treatment called Denture Stabilization. This method eliminates problems related to complete tooth loss and wearing partial or removable dentures. Denture
Our Doctors - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CADr. Harmik Derhartounian created Flintridge Dental Studio to offer beautiful smiles to people in the San Gabriel and San Fernando Valleys.
Complete Checkups - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CFinally if necessary, the hygienist will use a Digital X-ray machine to detect any issues that may be occurring below the surface of your teeth. Digital X-rays provide an accurate image of your teeth and oral structures
Mouth Guards - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CAThere are many types of mouth guards available in today s market such as stock mouth guards, boil and bite guards and customized mouth guards.
Sleep Apnea/Snoring - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge,Sleep apnea is a potentially severe condition causing breath pauses while you sleep. These breaks usually last for a few seconds and can occur several times during the night. It happens because your airway collapses when
Dental Implants - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CAEndosteal Implants are placed within the jawbone making them a more popular choice. They are shaped like cylinders and made of ceramic, metal, or metal concealed with ceramic. Each implant can hold one or more artificial
Fillings - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CAThere are many benefits to tooth-colored fillings. Unlike metal fillings, they are less likely to break because the curing hardens the mixture and makes it a part of the tooth. They are natural looking and stronger than
Inlays Onlays - Flintridge Dental Studio - La Cañada Flintridge, CAAn inlay is similar to a filling and used inside the cusp tips of the tooth. Onlays, on the other hand, require more work. They are comparable to an inlay but extend over one or more of the cusps of the tooth.
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